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Fresh Parking Lot Stripes Is Vital

Updated: Mar 27, 2023

When you're a business owner, it's often the giant - but small - details that you don't spend much time thinking about that affect your bottom line.

Try putting on your customer's shoes.

What's the first thing they're likely to notice when driving past? It's probably the first thing they see - your parking lot. If you were pulling in for the first time, what first impression would you have of the property?

Parking Lot Striping Increases Safety

Don't overlook the importance of parking lot striping. Clearly marked parking spaces, driving lanes, and directional markers, and reserved spots improve the user experience for everyone who uses the parking lot.

Parking lot striping helps enforce order, which lowers overall risk. Directional markers give guidance to drivers, so they know which path to follow when navigating your parking lot.

Providing other parking lot markings such as crosswalks, reserved parking for the disabled, first responders, expectant mothers, and curbside service parking ensure everyone has accessibility to convenient parking.

From an ownership standpoint, parking lot striping is a cost-effective investment for multiple reasons.

First, it uplifts the appearance of your parking areas.

Secondly, it helps ensure that your parking lot meets all local, state, and federal guidelines for ADA compliance and safety protocols. Failure to meet legal parking lot requirements could result in costly fines, penalties, and potential business or reputation loss.

Thirdly, it makes your property more marketable to passersby. Whether you manage apartment buildings or rent or own commercial or retail space, new striping refreshes the lot more attractive to anyone who uses it.

The risks of not addressing your parking lot's striping needs far outweigh the expense of properly maintaining your parking areas.

How Often Do I Need Fresh Parking Lot Striping?

Ideally, property owners should plan to re-stripe their lots when the existing stripes begin to fade. Factors that could impact the frequency of re-striping include:

  • Traffic levels

  • Types of vehicles

  • Exposure to the elements

Parking lots that handle high traffic volumes or have frequent use by commercial vans, trucks, or heavy-duty vehicles are likely to have more wear and tear than smaller lots without as much capacity.

Another factor that comes into play is exposure to the elements. It's hard to escape from the hot Texas sunshine and damaging UV rays.

Generally, refreshing the parking lot striping once every one or two years should keep your lot looking its best all year long. While you're at it, you might also need to upgrade your business signage with a company like SWBP.

When you work with Semper Fi Striping, the leading parking lot striping company in Fort Worth, Texas, they help support your commitment to a clean, easy to navigate parking area.

For more information on parking lot striping services in the Greater Fort Worth area, please contact the Semper Fi Striping professionals for more details.

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